Monday, June 22, 2009

Trade update

My main Forex account is up about 72% since the beginning of January. I sold my Gold in the 960's and repurchased it at around 951 and it is in the new account at the bottom.

My intermediate Forex account,
which is up 16% since January (Zip file.)

My options and equity account, which are titled in my children's names, so I can only recreate the trades.

Here are the account particulars:
Sprint trade (which I closed at around 13% profit)
Zion Bank trade. (26% profit)
--The Gold puts purchased to protect my long term gold position have expired with a $3000 loss.
Puts I bought (and sold) to protect my gold, the first time around. ($11,000 profit)
---My S+P puts which expired worthless with a loss of $3,100. I am considering buying them again. Obviously, I should have gone out to July or August.

AND Trader Outlook. Looked pretty ugly at first because of a trading mistake, but it has started to turn around as you can see.

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