Saturday, June 27, 2009

Up or Down?

If you're in equities, you may be quite happy that the guy I think is a 'perma-bull', Jack Steiman of Swingtradeonline would not be surprised if the markets go up from here. Even though I am still a bear, if he's correct, Gold will travel with it (as will most commodities.) The Gold I am holding in my Trader Outlook account will also offset this mini bad streak. But you watch...Bob Iaacino is an excellent trader and you will be witnesses.

Like I said a few days ago, I may be a bear...but if equities are bullish, I will know by the indicators.

I do know, however, that the Canadian Dollar/Yen broke that
significant trendline we discussed a few days ago, and being long in a pair that is considered a risk carry trade is good if you think equities will rise. But I shorted this pair twice last week because I feel that it has broken support and I may get some more chances.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Account balances up to date...

My main Forex account is up about 72% since the beginning of January. I sold my Gold in the 960's and repurchased it at around 951 and it is in the new account at the bottom.

My intermediate Forex account,
which is up 25% since January, including some new trades this month (Zip file.)

My options and equity account, which are titled in my children's names, so I can only recreate the trades.

Here are the account particulars:
Sprint trade (which I closed at around 13% profit)
Zion Bank trade. (26% profit)
--The Gold puts purchased to protect my long term gold position have expired with a $3000 loss.
Puts I bought (and sold) to protect my gold, the first time around. ($11,000 profit)
---My S+P puts which expired worthless with a loss of $3,100. I am considering buying them again. Obviously, I should have gone out to July or August.

AND Trader Outlook. Looking pretty ugly after some losses in the last couple of days, but it will start to turn around because of the clever trading system that Bob Iaccino uses. Losses are part of the game. Much of the recent losses have been mitigated by the profits in my intermediate account.

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I love the fact that JP Morgan needs to come out and tell the world that the S+P will be at 830 within the next three months...THANKS GUYS! (really going out on a limb there.)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Another great way of trading Forex

If you want to see how amazing the accounts are doing, go here.

Besides using Trader Outlook for my trades, I use my
Trade Triangles. Last week Adam showed us how to analyze 13 forex cross-rates in less than 11 minutes. As you know, all the accounts are doing well, so I thought it would be fun to go back and look at how this very quick analysis turned out.

Out of all the markets we analyzed in just 11 minutes, only five were in tune with our trade “Triangle Technology.” What this means is that both our daily and weekly “Trade Triangles” were in alignment indicating the direction for that particular cross.

We looked at the following cross rates on June 18th, 2010. The first number you see below is what that cross rate was trading at when we made the video last week:

USD/CAD was trading at 11335. Trade Triangles said to be long USD short CAD
Now trading at 11490, that’s a profit of 155 pips.

USD/NZD was trading at 5642. Trade Triangles said to be short USD long NZD
Now trading at 5533 this is a profit of 109 pips.

CAD/CHF was trading at 9578. Trade Triangles said to be short CAD long CHF
Now trading at 9531 this is a profit of 47 pips.

USD/CHF was trading at 10869. Trade Triangles said to be short USD long CHF
Now trading at 10952 for a loss of 83 pips.

Dollar Index play from 8034 when I made the video and is currently trading at 8023 for a gain of 11 pips.

Out of the five markets that showed the correct “Trade Triangle” configuration, 4 are profitable and 1 was showing a loss as of this writing.

Total Gain: 322 pips
Total Loss: 83 pips

Total Net: 239 pips

5 trades, 4 wins, 1 loss
80% win/loss ratio

3.87 pips gained for every pip lost

Now remember, this was done in just 11 minutes and they analyzed 13 cross rates. I’m not saying that it will always be like this and that you will always have this percentage of winners, but the reality is, if you trade using this “Trade Triangle” technology, are disciplined, diversified and follow the program… you will be a winner over time.

Lastly, all the
forex quotes and “Trade Triangle” alerts for forex symbols and precious metals at MarketClub are realtime.

Now you know how to analyze the Forex markets super fast and come out a winner, just like
my accounts have been doing.


We ended up being stopped out of the USD/Yen trade because we ALWAYS use stop losses. Losing is a part of what we is an accepted part. When we go into a boxing ring, we're going to take punches and lately, we are at about 500...which is fine, because we will end up profitable.

At the same time I have a longer term short in the Canadian Dollar/Yen because I think equities are coming down. We made a lot on this the first time and now we are up again. Also, we are now long the US/Swissy too.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Crystal Ball

There are many who think that fundamental analysis is important to use when making a trade, even if it was technical analysis that created the entry point. Last night I got stopped out of a trade that could have been a significant loss had it not been for a stop loss.

The trade was in the US/CHF and this move was something that I have never seen before:

I am a big Kathy Lien fan. She is an interesting read and I have learned a lot from her about fundamental analysis. See what
she wrote about the above chart six days before it happened!


Because of the way markets are constituted, it is unusual to see them all going the same direction...very unusual (11:23 e.s.t.) Check out the top of my trade triangle software page. (Clicking on the chart gives you a clearer view):

Trade Update and why you have to use stops

Last night, I covered half my US/CHF short with a $130.00 profit. Then I moved my stop up to b/e (where I originally shorted)...thankfully.

The Swiss National Bank came in and bought the Euro/CHF and US/CHF, thus creating the longest bar you will ever see. By moving up my S/L, I was stopped out with no loss. In the next post I'll discuss what the SNB did, because it was very interesting.

I am still short US/Yen and shorted more when we got some rotation.
In my medium term account, I am short CAD/Yen.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


As per the Trader Outlook method, we ended up shorting half positions in both the US/Yen and US/Swissy in case they were to rotate before continuing down. Both have rotated and I have shorted the second half of my trade in US/Yen.

I also have re-shorted a full position in the Cad/Yen. The break in the 6 month trendline is now accompanied by a new turndown in the MACD. Keep in mind, Market Club is issuing down triangles in many indexes that travel with the S+P and Dow e.g. the QLD or QQQQ.

Watching these trades

These are all relating to 4 hour closes. We are looking at 1:00 p.m. for the first 4 hour close. From Bob Iaccino of Trader Outlook:

Short US/Yen if we close below 95.51. Even though we have 2 profit targets for this trade, it is already trading significantly through our entry point (95.52), so I may consider doing only a half position. (I made a profit on this trade yesterday.)

Short AUD/US if we close below 78.26. I lost on this yesterday because I jumped in before the close and we ended up not closing below 78.26. Tut, tut.

Short USD/Swissy. We are much lower then original entry point for this (1.07112.) 1.0647 is target, so I am unsure.

Short GBP/USD if we close below 1.6208.

Long EUR/GBP if we close above 0.8573 (area.)

I will be using a couple of other indicators to confirm these trades, especially my trade triangles.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Out of the CAD/Yen trade with an excellent profit...

I probably could have gotten more but I decided to cover the whole position...because there will be other trades. (Click on image to see.)

I am also officially in two of the Trader Outlook trades...short both the USD/YEN and AUD/USD. Details to follow.

Also watching the US/YEN

We are watching the USD/Yen for a short here. Looking for a close on the 4 hour chart below 95.50. On this particular bar, the low hit 95.32 and is again trading above that point now.

This is a Trader Outlook trade by Bob Iaccino. They are good for the conservative Forex investor, if there is such a thing. Only one out of their last 6 trades have been activated as the pairs are trading near, but not at their specific entry points.

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New Trade

This one I did without Trader Outlook...the Canadian Dollar/ my intermediate account.

We have a couple things going on here. First we have a pretty significant break of a trendline (torquoise) going back to early January. When you look at the chart you will also see that the 55SMA was broken and the 100 and 200 days are next (white and red respectively.

Clicking on the chart gives you a clearer view:

Trading Plan: Shorted 1 Lot CAD/YEN @ 83.07
Cover half @ 81.75 area
Second target @ 78.62 area

Confirmations: Commodities (including Gold) showing topping.
Equities doing the same.

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Trade update

My main Forex account is up about 72% since the beginning of January. I sold my Gold in the 960's and repurchased it at around 951 and it is in the new account at the bottom.

My intermediate Forex account,
which is up 16% since January (Zip file.)

My options and equity account, which are titled in my children's names, so I can only recreate the trades.

Here are the account particulars:
Sprint trade (which I closed at around 13% profit)
Zion Bank trade. (26% profit)
--The Gold puts purchased to protect my long term gold position have expired with a $3000 loss.
Puts I bought (and sold) to protect my gold, the first time around. ($11,000 profit)
---My S+P puts which expired worthless with a loss of $3,100. I am considering buying them again. Obviously, I should have gone out to July or August.

AND Trader Outlook. Looked pretty ugly at first because of a trading mistake, but it has started to turn around as you can see.

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

4 hour chart trades

The great thing about 4 hour charts is that when a bar from that chart closes above or below any length shows more conviction in that direction. At night I will only use this method for a scalp trade. Here is the Eur/USD, which we discussed in the last post as looking weak longer term. (Clicking on the chart gives you a clearer view):

I did a small trade for a $52 profit.
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How Trade Triangles work

Occasionally a reader will ask me why I use Trade Triangles as one of the indicators to go to before a trade is placed. To some, triangles seem too basic...but it's the combination of "Weekly" and "Daily" triangles that has helped my accounts do so well. If you watch any of Adam's videos, you'll see why they work so well. They are meant to be used in conjunction with other indicators.

Anyway, on the equity Barrick Gold and on the Gold spot, Market Club recently issued weekly down triangles for both. The key to good trading is to find confirmations (or disparities) to trade indicators and, ironically, the first one that I have found is within Market Club itself...a WEEKLY down triangle on the Euro/Greenback chart (Dollar positive.) Since the Dollar and Gold usually work inversely, this is a confirmation.

Lastly, DAILY trade triangles can occur every few days (at times,) but weeklies are a different story. Check out any equity or security you can think of, and you will find that there was a significant move for it in the direction of the weekly arrow that was originally's amazing how right they are. You can try it free for 30 days like I did.

Stay unbiased...

I am a bear here...I think the markets are way overbought. BUT as a trader, I have to keep reminding myself that it doesn't matter what I think the markets are going to do, but what the indicators tell you they will do.

Jack Steiman of Swingtradeonline, who I think is an excellent chartist, visually makes some good cases for a weaker Dollar and a strong banking index (SPX) from here. In this case he uses Flag Patterns, which are among my favorite technical indicators. Obviously, if both prove out to be true, equities will be a lot higher then they are now.

(Clicking on the charts give you clearer views):


This is the reason that I always try to hold Gold and not worry about how far down it is from where I bought it. I made significant profits on it last time and now own it again. If the Dollar does resume down from here, Gold is likely to get close to $1000 oz again.